Friday, July 31, 2009


Now in Tokyo after dropping off the bike at Narita for LA on Monday. What a city this is with massive skyscrapers and huge central area. Was met at the hotel by IPA member Mr Masato Nozaki who now works as the assistant manager. Got an upgraded room from superb to luxury with all the gadgets. There are regular earthquakes here and I am on 22nd floor….scary! Getting my bike clothes washed as they were bordering on repulsive…poor laundry woman…see the photo of then getting prepared to clean my gear…I think you call it an industrial injury…  Will take in the sight tomorrow and post some photos. Many thanks to the Japanese IPA and Mr Nakamura for a donation to Capability of nearly £450. The Nakamura football shirt has caused a lot of interest and it will be auctioned within the Japanese IPA.

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